Can freelance event planner rely on Temperature Checks for safer events?

Thermal testing is being extensively used for screening people prior to entry in public places, checking them for coronavirus. This technique is also being employed by many prominent companies and MNCs for the purpose of scanning employees before they are permitted on the company premises. With that being said, the question is that whether freelance event planners rely on temperature checks for conducting safer events?

Since the COVID outbreak, thermal screening was the first-line diagnostic technique to have been installed at airports, helping them determine whether a person is COVID positive or not. Such is the goodwill of these temperature checks that many office spaces are considering it. The schools and colleges are also thinking to use it when they commence with classes.

People are using it extensively but we only have little evidence to prove its authenticity. Is it just a placebo measure or it really is an authentic corona diagnostic tool?

A look at tools available for thermal screening

Thermal screening and testing are executed with the help of either a thermal camera or a temporal probe.

Fever is the most suspected coronavirus symptom. That’s why a suspected person for COVID is checked with thermal scanners because fever accompanies high temperatures.

Prominent MNCs like Amazon also conduct daily thermometer checks for employees in their workshops and warehouses. Many companies have switched to thermal cameras for the purpose of temperature checks. Previously they used temporal probes but after knowing about the added advantages and speed that the thermal cameras have, they preferred it over thermometers. It provides you with quick-on the spot-results, saving time, and clearing any confusion. Comparatively, temporal probes are used not following the safe distance norm between the subject and the operator, also requiring greater manpower than the thermal imaging devices.

Thermal Screening, a safety measure for freelance event planner

Companies and MNCs are using thermal testing as a diagnostic measure but still, there are numerous questions that darken the extensive reliability of thermal testing. For example, all sorts of activities like exercising or stress due to work can raise your body temperature other than illnesses also. Also, the accuracy involved with thermal screening is also being questioned with the revelation that people being completely asymptomatic, have been found to spread the virus to others.

Experts believe that temperature-based testing techniques might exclude people who aren’t positive and while also providing a false sense of security to other people- members. Experts also suggest that distance-based temperature measuring is quite inaccurate as compared to testing it through ears, that’s why it’s a concern as people are extensively using thermal cameras for permitting access to buildings and events.

This is the sole reason why relying only on temperature readings as an indicator for COVID diagnosis can be misleading, that’s why freelance event planner will likely require some other secondary measures for exact COVID diagnosis.


After looking at the uncertainty involved with large-scale events in the coming months, it may be beneficial for freelance event planners and venues to refrain from investing in thermal screening.

We at SoundingsConnect advise the freelance event planners to gear up for the next season as this year relying on thermal scanning and permitting larger audiences events will be foolish.


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